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Create a new customer and their contact data

  • In the main menu, select Contacts ‣ Persons to register a natural person, or Contacts ‣ Organizations for legal persons like companies, unions, agencies, schools, institutions, etc.

  • Click the insert button in the toolbar or hit the Insert key.

  • Fill out the fields of the insert window and hit the Create button to submit the window.

Lino contact management does not differentiate between customers and providers. We say that a partner is either a person or an organization. Any partner can become a “customer” when you record a sales invoice for them, or a “provider” when you register a purchase invoice for them.

Create a partner as a copy of an existing partner

  • Open some data window and navigate to the existing person or organization you want to copy.

  • Click the button (“Duplicate the selected row”).

Merge duplicate partners

When you discover that you have a duplicate person or organization, i.e. two database entries where actually there should be only one, you can merge them as follows:

  • Select one of the partners

  • Click the merge button. Lino asks:

    into…: ____
    ☐ Also reassign volatile related objects
    Reason: ____
  • Select the other partner in the into… field.

  • Optionally specify a reason (which will just be logged in in your site’s lino.log file). Leave the Also reassign volatile related objects option unchecked unless you have been told to check it.

  • Click the OK button. Before actually merging the partners, Lino will summarize what is going to happen and ask your confirmation:

    Are you sure you want to merge Mr Hans Altenberg into Mr Alfons Ausdemwald?
    1 Bank Statement items, 2 Movements, 1 Sales invoices, 2 Partner balances will get reassigned.
    Mr Hans Altenberg will be deleted.
  • Click OK again to execute the merge. A merge usually cannot be undone.

Find duplicate partners