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The working plugin

The lino_xl.lib.working plugin adds functionality for registering work time.


work session

A database record expressing the fact that a given user works (or has been working) on a given “ticket” for a given lapse of time.

service report

A document that reports the work sessions that have been done for a given customer during a given period.


Extreme case example of a work session:

  • I start to work on an existing ticket #1 at 9:23. A customer phones at 10:17 with a question. I create #2 for this. That call is interrupted several times by the customer himself. During the first interruption another customer calls, with another problem (ticket #3) which we solve together within 5 minutes. During the second interruption of #2 (which lasts 7 minutes) I make a coffee break.

    During the third interruption I continue to analyze the customer’s problem. When ticket #2 is solved, I decided that it’s not worth to keep track of each interruption and that the overall session time for this ticket can be estimated to 0:40.

    Ticket start end    Pause  Duration
    #1      9:23 13:12  0:45
    #2     10:17 11:12  0:12       0:43
    #3     10:23 10:28             0:05

Reporting type

The reporting_type indicates how the client is going to pay for the work done.

Worked hours

The WorkedHours table is useful to manually edit your working times or to see on which tickets you have been working recently. It is shown in your dashboard (unless you configured your dashboard to hide it).

class lino_xl.lib.working.WorkedHours

Shows a summary of your work sessions of the last seven days, one row per day.

To manually edit your work sessions, click on a date in the Description column to open MySessionsByDate.

In the Worked tickets column you see a list of the tickets on which you worked that day. This is a convenient way to continue some work you started some days ago.