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Lino Noi User Guide

Welcome to the end-user documentation about Lino Noi.

Lino Noi is the issue and time tracking system used by the Synodalsoft team. After evaluating a lot of existing software products we decided to eat our own dog food and write a Lino application. We started this in April 2015 and until now we didn’t regret it. Lino Noi has become our primary team communication tool.

With Lino Noi we create our tickets, triage them, discuss about them, we record our working time and Lino generates service reports for the customers who wish this. Lino can also generate yearly or monthly invoices for our service level agreements, and manages the time credit of every customer.

We would love to share our know-how and the result of ten years of experience with other teams and help them to get started with Lino Noi.